Do you remember your purpose of entering university?

You wanted to live a better life through studyin like you mentioned in composition class, right?

Do you remember your purpose of entering FLLD?

You had passion toward English and vow to majored it ten years before, right?

Do you remember your purpose of entering KLF?

You wanted to be more outgoing and considerable and skillful of dominate your time, right?

Do you remember your purpose of giving up your credits temporarily?

You THOUGHT you could compensate for it later and you vowed to, right?

Actually, you are discapable of control yourself, so you were mentally crashed at that freezing night.

Actually, you are discapable of get over the surrounding business, so you tend to giving up.

Actually, you are discapable of pretend you are no tired at all, so you hide yourself and recover yourself.

Actually, you are discapable of telling everyone everything is alright, so you sealed your tongue.

Actually, you still belive in yourself, so you make up your mind to keep struggling between academic performance and activities around your limit.

AU REVOR, complantation!!!!!!

I must be mater in Francaise someday! I can conquer it! IT's a MUST!!

時間真是可怕 妳這腐敗殆盡的傢伙!

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