
不要被標題嚇到....被buried的不是我媽媽   是她的愛情 
嘖! 最近的標題好像都很聳動   乾脆畢業後來當記者好了
哈哈哈.....亂作夢   不要理我

---拉拉拉拉拉   拉回來---

以下是 女性作家 這門課這學期的其中一個requirement 
1 page, 
寫出the most influential woman in ur life 
I lineated my happy and miserable mom. 

        Like many women with careers, she is the one of the restless and hushed worker in the whole company and in marital relationship. She is my Mother who has been away from home since she was in senior high school, like her sisters. Living for 52 years so far, it’s the family which built by she and her carpenter husband, who inherited nothing, roundly occuped her all attention. 
她是我媽媽,  一個和她姐姐們一樣從高中時就離開家裡的一個女生 
今年52歲,  嫁給一個完全沒有恆產或祖產的木匠後   她全心全力投入她的家庭 

        According to Chinese tradition, she is the immolation of her parents’ favor of the alcoholic and gambler brothers. Never the fault of unequal love. Never! She neither complained the ignorance of the three daughters by her parents in law. The scene replayed again and again, but this ‘girl’ from Taichung spoke nothing except insisting letting her daughters be educated and versatile.   
根據中國重男輕女傳統, 她就是要被犧牲掉被嫁出去的,  不管她一個哥哥是酒鬼一個愛賭 
絕對不是爸媽不均等的愛的錯!   不可能! 她也從來不會抱怨她三個女兒在夫家所受的不平等待遇 而這種重男輕女的劇碼就在她的人生中不斷不斷的上演 但她唯一堅持的就是孩子的教育    

        When she was 23 years old, she got a chance to be looked squarely. The proposal of her third boyfriend was accepted regardless the hostility from the cold family 200 kilo-meters away from her home town. “Do not worry at all. I am married to you, not your family.” Confidently she comforted her adored boyfriend. No wedding dress or honeymoon, they worked hard right after the notarized wedding in the court which cost hundreds, but she found herself pregnant soon. 
她是在23歲那年接受她第三任男友求婚的   只因為他尊重她  正眼看她 
於是無視未來可能會遭遇到的冷落和惡言惡語    她從台中嫁到屏東來 
"別擔心~我要嫁的人是你 ,  又不是你的家庭"   她甚至這樣自己地安撫她可愛的男友 
沒有婚紗  沒有蜜月   在廉價的公證結婚後他們就馬上回到工作上努力工作 但她很快發現她懷孕了 

        The prince charming and snow white lived a happy life, for years, without living with the king and queen. She took her daughters to kindergarten by bicycle in the morning, went to traditional market and chatted with the fish and vegetable vendors on noon did housework in the afternoon, and by six o’clock the family got around the table with giggle laughter. What a lovely family! She could even make her nails polished! However, the good old days ends when she was back to the territory of the kin and queen, the dull factory which had her healthy and marital problem discovered. 因為沒和國王  皇后一起住 (os:其實是因為我爸跟他們生活習慣不合= =")
有幾年間 她過著悠閒的生活 
早上騎著腳踏車帶女兒去附近幼稚園上課  中午到市場跟那些小販閒話家常 
下午做做家事   傍晚就等著全家人聚在餐桌旁享用一頓帶著歡樂笑語的晚餐 
很夢幻~很可愛的家庭不是嗎?  她甚至可以像貴婦般上指甲油 

        The first stone in kidney shocked every member in the little house, but the second, third, forth……one in the bladder wasn’t surprising at all. Her relatives in law still blamed her for not working hard enough, so overtime work was added and added whose wage couldn’t afford the liver medicine. The hatred from her husband hurt much more than physical diseases. One night when preparing the funeral of her mother in law, he accused her of not being ‘nice’ to his mother for a second who always reproached her not giving any heir, and a big quarrel fight was arouse. With the coffin, her love was buried. Heart problems became only corporal.      
但是第二顆  第三顆  第四顆.....隨著跑醫院的次數慢慢增加   膀胱裡的結石就再也不令人驚訝了 
即使她的身體不適合過於操勞   夫家的親戚依然指責她沒有認真工作 
所以為了堵住攸攸之口和經濟因素  她不斷加班....雖然加班費實在不夠負擔醫藥費 

在準備婆婆喪禮的某個晚上    他們大吵一架 
他說"妳從來沒有給我媽媽好臉色看過!  就算她再差妳有沒有想過她是我媽媽?" 
在她記憶中~她有盡孝道了   她也很難過  為了這個意外的死亡她也心力交瘁 
幾次生產...她只打通電話來問性別    一知道是女生就沒到醫院來探視過了 
隨著棺木的火化   她的情情愛愛似乎也跟著被埋葬了 
接下來再嚴重的心臟問題   都只是生理上   心跳不會再為愛情悸動不穩了 

        My heart problems are mental, and I had tried with all effort to be someone any diverse from my mother who modeled my value system. Nevertheless, the harder I worked the more similarity I found between my mother and me. What frightened me most is that one day I found my boyfriend looked and acted alike to my father. 
我呢~我的心臟問題是心理上的  跟媽媽相反 
多年來看著這對夫妻從恩愛到現在    我質疑愛情懷疑婚姻   (雖然還是跳進去了  哈哈) 
經濟不穩   愛情沒了   健康超糟    
沒想到 人往往在最後好像都會成為那個自己最討厭的人?????  
某天.....我竟然發現我男朋友跟我爸超像....長像老實   喜好也很像.... 

哈哈......好啦我承認~很多東西...都忘得差不多了 但大致上應該有符合史實   
就不要計較太多了 我只是挑這篇文章想表達的 
其實我媽也沒這麼可憐啦=   =" 只是她不算成功的婚姻的確嚇到我了 

最近兩篇女作文章都是有關adultery    感觸有點深  有空再來寫XD


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